Applications for year 7 entry in September 2025 are now open.
Open events – Thursday 19 September, 5.30pm-8pm, and Saturday 21 September, 9.30am-12.30pm.

News & events

Year 8 Project – Regenerating Brierley Hill Library

As part of the Grand Designs theme, Year 8 L4L students were tasked with regenerating Brierley Hill Library. They had to create design portfolios which were then sent to the planning and development department at CBRE. Associate Director, Grace, said the following:

“All of these submissions were great, I was interested to read about the research your students have carried out into architects and the sustainability / energy efficiency of buildings. Very important if we are to achieve the Government’s goal of being carbon neutral by 2050!

It was difficult to pick a winner this time, as they all had something that stood out! However, I am going to choose Liam Robert’s portfolio as a winner for his clearly well researched and executed design.  He’s identified the problems with the existing library and solving those issues is clearly executed in his final building plan.”

A £10 Love to Shop voucher was awarded to Liam for his efforts. CLICK HERE to view Liam’s portfolio.