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Remote Video Year 11 Parents’ Evening – 3rd & 4th February 2021

A remote video Parents’ Evening, which will be distributed across 3rd and 4th February 2021, between 4.30p.m and 7.30p.m to discuss your child’s progress with the staff who teach them. Because of the ongoing lockdown, we have decided to offer both nights, for maximum flexibility for both staff and families.

The school uses an online booking system for Parents’ Evening appointments and it is via this system that you will also be able to access your remote appointments. The booking system can be accessed via a link on the academy website or by clicking here from Sunday, 24 January at 5pm and will close on Wednesday 3rd February at 12pm.

Click here to read the letter sent home to parents.

We have created the following video guide to assist you in booking your appointments and for information on accessing the video appointments on the evening itself.
