Applications for year 7 entry in September 2025 are now open.
Open events – Thursday 19 September, 5.30pm-8pm, and Saturday 21 September, 9.30am-12.30pm.

News & events

Update for Year 6 students due to start Thorns in September 2020

Dear families,
We would just like to reassure all Year 6 students due to start at Thorns in September that we will be providing opportunities for the students to induct with us during the Summer Term. Depending on how the current situation unfolds this may be performed remotely, but will still allow students, parents and carers to become familiar with our digital platforms and to share any concerns they may have.
We are collaborating with our local Primary School’s to ensure a smooth transition is achieved for all students, and that key information is communicated efficiently to families.
Not got a place at Thorns?
If your child doesn’t currently have a place at Thorns but would be interested in beginning with us in September, contact us via email:
In the meantime, please browse our website and follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for regular updates and news.
Click the following links for access: