🏆The winners of the final CENTURY Tech & GCSEPod E-Tech competition for this academic year are in👇
🥁Drum roll…
🥇➡Year 7️⃣ – Isa Mahmood
🥇➡Year 8️⃣ – Jade Mai
🥇➡Year 9️⃣ – Insha Majid
🥇➡Year 🔟 – Amin Mahmood
🥇➡Year 1️⃣1️⃣ – Aqsa Hussain
👍A huge thumbs-up to the winning students for their efforts throughout the 14 weeks (30th November 2020 – 19th April 2021), and a special mention for Jade Mai who was the overall highest user across the academy, clocking over 100 hours usage.
📧All students will receive a £100 Amazon voucher via their school emails in the coming days.
Principal, Mr Kelay, and Senior Teacher, Mr Latham, met with the winning students today to personally congratulate them on their achievements.