Applications for year 7 entry in September 2025 are now open.

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Year 7 Catch Up Funding

Year 7 Catch Up Funding

The premium gives you funding to support year 7 pupils who didn’t achieve the expected standard in reading or maths at the end of Key Stage 2.

Previous Funding 2018/19 £11,311.00

2019/20 expenditure & 2020/21 proposed spending:

-13,797 Year 7 Catch Up Grant 2019-2020
504 Vouchers
1,998 Books
595 Water Bottles
800 Ergo Intel core i3 -5005u 2.0G
3,897 Total Spent
-9,900 Carried forward 2020-2021


-9,900 Carried forward into 2020-2021
4,000 Laptops
363 Foundation books
3,843 KS3 Assessment
8,206 Actual total to date
-1,694 Balance left to spend 2020-2021

Summer school that helps pupils catch up over a short period of time

  • Dedicated L4L staff, who will have been identified as the new year 7 L4L teachers.
  • Students organised into the L4L groups the students will be in in September.
  • Using data provided by the primaries to inform the activities and focus needed for the students in the year group.
  • Purchase sets of books (appropriate to Reading ages) and including purchased audio books to encourage reluctant readers to engage some of our weaker readers who can now read along with the audio. Use of Accelerated Reader to evaluate success of the reading initiative.
  • Languages resources to encourage reading for pleasure in a foreign language.
  • Students to get log on’s to Maths Box, Maths Watch or My Maths to engage students in Maths at all levels.
  • A funded trip Black Country Museum (Year 8 Please Sir), or Kenilworth or Dudley Castle (Year 7 In Days of Old) Cultural capital.
  • Hippodrome Summer Activities.

Individual tuition/ Intensive small-group tuition

Early identification of students from Primaries and Summer School to ensure focused intervention as soon as students begin.

We have created 2 additional L4L tlrs which focus on catch up – One is SEMH and behaviour, the other is literacy and attainment.

Homework club is available to all KS3 students twice weekly.

Session 6 is used to provide Literacy/Numeracy intervention, which includes focused work on phonics and reading.

External services and materials

To record any outside services which our new year 7s have had access to in Year 6 to be continued into Year 7, such as KRUNCH.

As well as exciting and engaging services like The Hippodrome.

Measuring Impact

L4L team to measure and monitor progress, using Trust processes and regular assessment points.