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Year 9 Choices


GCSE Mathematics is a core subject and all students at Thorns continue to study Maths in Year 10 and 11, building on the skills and knowledge learned in Years 7 – 9.
GCSE New Specification

Mathematics provides opportunities for students to develop their skills in six main areas:

  1. Number
  2. Algebra
  3. Ratio, proportion and rates of change
  4. Geometry and measures
  5. Probability
  6. Statistics
  • Students will use and apply Maths in real life problems and within Mathematics itself. They will develop and use flexibly a range of methods of computation and use calculators and computers where appropriate. They will consider how relationships between number operations underpin the techniques for manipulating algebraic expressions and explore shape and space through drawing and practical work using a wide range of materials.
  • The GCSE Mathematics course aims to provide all students with a firm mathematical
    foundation that they will need for life, work and further study. 

  • Students will be taught in appropriate groups based on test performances throughout 
 KS3 and the professional judgement of their teachers.

  • Students will receive regular feedback on their progress and be provided with detailed feedback on examination questions.
  • We provide a variety of forms of additional support to enable all students to achieve their potential in Mathematics.  Revision classes run throughout Year 11, alongside tutor time withdrawal intervention sessions
  • Assessment: There are two tiers of entry and a new grading structure has been introduced,
    from grade 9-1, to replace the familiar A* – G grading scale. Foundation: grades 1 – 5Higher: grades 3 – 9

  • Decisions on tier of entry are made on an individual basis after their year 11 mock examinations. An entry for the Higher tier will only be made if there is consistent evidence of securing a minimum of Grade 5 through mock results.

  • In the assessments there is a greater emphasis on problem solving and mathematical reasoning and communication, with more marks now being awarded to these higher- order skills.

  • Paper 1 – Non-calculator (80 marks)
    Paper 2 – Calculator (80 marks)
    Paper 3 – Calculator (80 marks)Students will be required to memorise formulae.

All students require a scientific calculator, angle measurer, pair of compasses and ruler as well as the normal writing equipment