Applications for year 7 entry in September 2025 are now open.
Open events – Thursday 19 September, 5.30pm-8pm, and Saturday 21 September, 9.30am-12.30pm.

News & events

English Department – Finding The Joy in Lockdown

In light of last week’s ‘Time To Talk’ and ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’, the English department have decided to do something a little different during English lessons. A little project, of sorts👇
The aim of this week is to get students away from the devices they are currently glued to (mostly because of school, which can’t be helped). We want to get students out of their comfort zones, and embrace some of the things they might not usually do😱
The evidence and experiences gained from these activities will then be used to form part of a piece of writing. We’ll also celebrate a selection of the work on our social media platforms✍️
Click on the relevant link below to view a range of tasks. This week, you must complete at least eight of these, and record the evidence (written work, photographs etc), before submitting it on Teams👇
Any questions should be directed to your class teacher
ℹ️IMPORTANTℹ️ You MUST log on to the start of all of your lessons. After doing so, the time will be yours