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Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

Our inaugural Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award group have recently completed their practice expedition to Kinver. The group, made up of 15 Year 9 students, have been undertaking training throughout the school year on topics such as campcraft, cooking, map reading and navigation. In addition, students have been undertaking independent challenges in the sections of Skill, Volunteering and Physical. As part of the practice expedition, students completed two long walks with their rucksacks using route cards to navigate around the Staffordshire countryside. Students were also required to set up their own tents and use cooking stoves to make their evening meals and breakfast the following day. The group were an absolute credit to the academy throughout and we now look forward to them completing their final expedition in the Wyre Forest next month. We will soon be offering the opportunity for students from Year 8 to complete this nationally recognised DofE award. Any interested students should see Mrs Hakeman or Mr Fletcher for more details.

“I was very proud of all of the participants who were a pleasure to work with. Over the course of the expedition, a positive attitude and excellent navigation and campcraft skills were demonstrated throughout. The Group is now looking forward to completing their final expedition for the Award in June”.
– Natasha Mark at Gecko Experience (training provider to students for the DofE)
