Applications for year 7 entry in September 2025 are now open.

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To ensure that our Drama department makes a contribution towards Thorns as a centre of excellence for the Performing Arts. To provide rich provision of our subject, and impact on the individual, the school and the community through our work in Drama.


  • To refine acting skills by encouraging hard work and commitment.
  • To develop the whole person, through emotions, and social skills, using drama as a tool to do so.
  • To show academic development in theatre arts, such as skills, practitioners, texts, process and careers.
  • To develop an appreciation of the arts.

Drama is delivered through the L4L curriculum in year 7, enhancing and supporting students’ learning through a rich and varied curriculum. In addition, students are given the opportunity to work with our learning officer from the Birmingham Hippodrome on additional projects such as Arts Award and performances back at the Hippodrome.

Students also complete an 8-hour project in drama exploring the skills needed to create and perform a piece of drama. The project introduces students to a variety of stimuli and techniques and the making, performing and responding structure of the curriculum. 

Drama is delivered through the L4L curriculum in year 8, enhancing and supporting students’ learning through a rich and varied curriculum. In addition, students are given the opportunity to work with our learning officer from the Birmingham Hippodrome on additional projects such as Arts Award and performances back at the Hippodrome.

Students also complete an 8-hour project in drama exploring both text and devised work. The project builds on their prior knowledge of the making, performing and responding structure of the curriculum. 

Drama is delivered through performing arts on a rotational basis to every student in year 9. Through this, they complete 3 acting projects throughout the year.

Rotation 1

Theatre Styles

To learn about the techniques of the practitioners Brecht and Stanislavski. Students will devise a project around and issue of importance to them. They will then use the techniques they have learned to improve the quality of their work 

Rotation 2

Live Theatre

To watch and analyse professional performance work in terms of the elements of design and acting.


We offer the BTEC Tech award in Performing Arts (Level 2) at KS4, following the acting pathway. As well as their normal curriculum time, we hold a weekly session after school for KS4 acting students to develop their acting or writing skills should they wish or need to. Students are expected to:

  • keep good attendance due to the group element of the work.
  • keep an ongoing logbook of research, development and reflection.
  • expect to perform!
  • take part in one of our extra-curricular opportunities during the duration of the course.

BTEC Tech Award (Level 2)

Component 1: This component will help you to understand the requirements of being an actor across a range of performances and disciplines. You will develop your understanding of the performing arts by examining practitioners’ work and the processes used to create performance.

Component 2: In this component, you will develop performance skills and techniques. You will take part in workshops and classes where you will develop technical, practical and interpretative skills through the rehearsal and performance process.

Component 3: In this component, you will have the opportunity to respond to a brief. Working as part of a group, you will develop your ideas for a workshop performance and apply your skills and techniques to communicate your creative intentions to your audience.

There are 2 drama clubs per week, that is attended by all year groups. They are  run together to encourage leadership skills and aspiration.

Monday’s class explores performing and devising in drama. 

Thursday’s class looks at technical theatre such as set design and lighting. 

Students rehearse in preparation for our annual production. 

Weekly support workshops are presented for BTEC Tech Award Actors.

Styles: Absurdism, classical, comedy, commedia’dell’arte, epic, forum theatre, melodrama, naturalism, symbolism, theatre of cruelty, verbatim, devised, musical theatre, physical theatre.

Creative intentions: Theme, issue, stimulus, style/genre, contextual influences, collaboration with other practitioners, influences with other practitioners.

Purpose: Educate, inform, entertain, provoke, challenge, raise awareness, celebrate.

Roles: Actor, singer, director, writer, designer.

Responsibilities: Rehearsing, performing, devising, choreographing, directing, writing, refining work, self-managing and managing others.


  • Physical: Actions/gesture, characterisation, expression, focus, control, mannerism, movement memory, spatial awareness, posture, pace, relaxation
  • Vocal: Clarity, articulation, projection, breath control, remembering lines, pitch, characterisation, pause, pace, tone, expression –
  • Performance/interpretive: Use of props/set/costume/make up, use of space, facial expression, stage presence, energy, awareness of the space and audience, interaction with other performers, interpreting and developing a character, communicating a style or genre, communicating themes, learning blocking, stage directions, dialogue, managing, directing, communication, creative writing, organisation.

 Stansislavski, Brecht, Artaud, Boal, Frantic Assembly, National Theatre, Mark Wheeller, Redcape Theatre Company, Dennis Kelly, Willy Russell, John Godber, Splendid.

Mrs C Clark

Head of Department